This year, there is a difference in the air as it is a new decade. Society shifts everything at the dawn of a new decade. Music is categorized by decades. History is grouped by decades. If there is ever a time where starting fresh, shifting perspectives, or changing from who you currently are into the person you strive to be, the beginning of a decade is one of the best times.
Therefore I encourage you to make the changes within your personal and working lives now to facilitate you being able to start doing the things you’ve always wanted to. I urge you to stop playing it safe. Don’t stay in a job that you do not enjoy or that does not inspire you. Don’t work for a company that is not aligned to your core values and is not positively impacting the community. Don’t spend time with family or friends that are pessimistic and draining. Simply choose to remove negativity from your life, choose to let go of what is no longer serving you.
Now more than ever it is time to take that chance, take that calculated risk that your gut is telling you is the right thing for you to do for yourself, so that you can start living a life that your love. No one will do it for you…it is up to you to make that choice. The life you live is yours so invest in yourself now and start your journey to becoming your authentic self where you know your purpose, your passion and are living fully.
However, following our dreams is easier said than done. Thus, before we are capable of taking that leap of faith, we need to become connected to who we truly are so we can trust our gut. Reiki healing is known for awakening us to our spiritual self so that our future path becomes clear. This healing practice that I use is extremely effective in getting my clients to a calm place where they feel confident in letting their voices and their truth be heard. They are then able to say no without feeling guilty, which guides them in the right direction that aligns their life with their own morals and values.
Now is the time to connect your mind, body and spirit so you can work towards clearing all that is holding you back. Take the necessary action today so the rest of the year will be all that you want and deserve. Commit to yourself and create the life you’ve always wanted.
Find someone you can trust, someone who will hold you accountable as you strive to be the best version of yourself.
I am always here to support you. In love and light, Debbie Taylor