2021 The Year of Movement

Why has this year been so challenging yet our biggest opportunity to quantum leap our personal growth and ascension in consciousness? 2021 is a number 5 year which means that we have had the 5th element, spirit in union with the other 4 elements, wind, fire, earth and water guiding us to focus on all […]

Being an Authentic Parent is how you Raise Confident Beings

We all want to raise confident, kind, happy, and self-reliant children with high self-esteem yet we forget that children learn by observing and then they mirror what they see and hear.  They tend to generally do as you do, not as you say! The secret to raising your children to become what you would love […]

How to use the 7 spiritual laws of Yoga to improve your life

The 7 universal laws explain to us how we are connected to a higher source through our energy body and that if we live according to these laws we will be in harmony with nature and be in flow with life. “The Principles of the Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the […]

Expanding your spiritual connection through the practice of Yoga

I have signed up for a 30 day yoga challenge as I reached a point in my life whereby I felt completely compelled to get fit, strong and to feel physically vital. However it is the spiritual connection through the yoga practice that is enhancing my life the most and that I want to shed […]

How to attain your goals and become successful

How many times have you made a list of goals to achieve and never fulfilled any of them? As Dennis Deyoung said, “Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try.” Have you ever thought as to why they succeeded?  Successful people actually fail their way to the top. They are the […]

How to Heal from Trauma

“It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.” — J.R.R. Tolkien  Speaking from my own experience, by working through my own traumatic experiences came a newfound purpose and light. Nothing erases the trauma but I have found ways to heal and honour what I have been through […]

Healing advice for when life isn’t going your way

“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” — Brené Brown The words you choose to describe the things that happen to you throughout your life literally shape your very experience of life at that moment and have the power […]

Allowing New Opportunities to Flood Your Field

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it”. – Ann Landers At one point in our lives, we have to let go; our job, business, loved ones, pets and […]

Healing tips on how to let go and gain freedom

Letting go is about accepting what is happening right now in the present moment and not worrying about what will come up tomorrow. It’s an internal process of learning to love yourself enough to let go of everything that is no longer serving you. The Beatles hit song singing “speaking words of wisdom, let it […]

Letting go of someone you love

Letting go of someone you love is one of the hardest things and people commonly avoid it for fear of it being too painful. Or because they do not know where to begin and how to actually work through the process of releasing, moving on and gaining freedom from an unhealthy relationship. Moreso, letting go […]

Tips on how to experience a fulfilled relationship

While we yearn to be loved unconditionally, most people are only prepared to give love very conditionally.  In truth love is not about control, ownership, expectations or having one’s egoistic needs met. Love is what transpires when we fully awaken our heart-centred consciousness – becoming fully aware of oneness, accepting others flaws and embracing all […]