Tips on how to experience a fulfilled relationship
While we yearn to be loved unconditionally, most people are only prepared to give love very conditionally. In truth love is not about control, ownership, expectations or having one’s egoistic needs met. Love is what transpires when we fully awaken our heart-centred consciousness – becoming fully aware of oneness, accepting others flaws and embracing all […]
7 Healing Steps to Achieving Total Self-love
As it’s Valentines month, my focus is on shedding light on how to obtain total self-love. This is so important as the manner in which you love yourself, teaches others how to love you. The misperception about love and relationships is that it is the others duty to make you feel a certain way: It’s […]
Is it time to reconnect to your true self and your true direction? If not now? When?
We are living through a global pandemic and the worst economic crisis our humanity has ever experienced and this we can not control. However, the good news is that how we react to the many challenges that are being thrown our way will determine how successfully we navigate our way through these stressful times and […]