Tips on how to experience a fulfilled relationship

While we yearn to be loved unconditionally, most people are only prepared to give love very conditionally.  In truth love is not about control, ownership, expectations or having one’s egoistic needs met. Love is what transpires when we fully awaken our heart-centred consciousness – becoming fully aware of oneness, accepting others flaws and embracing all […]

7 Healing Steps to Achieving Total Self-love

As it’s Valentines month, my focus is on shedding light on how to obtain total self-love. This is so important as the manner in which you love yourself, teaches others how to love you. The misperception about love and relationships is that it is the others duty to make you feel a certain way: It’s […]

Connecting to our spiritual bodies, to guide us through uncertainty

The world is changing at an alarming rate due to COVID19 and while this change is good and very much needed for the survival of the planet it has caused much uncertainty and discomfort. The disruption on the planet has prompted us to look at ourselves in a more spiritual way. As in these times […]

Living in your Spiritual Self

How do we quiet our overactive minds and stay calm? As stresses due to the pandemic continue to increase, my clients have been asking me what they can do to decrease their anxiety, stay present, and cope with the challenges which are very difficult to manage at the moment.  My advice is to start learning […]