Many of my clients when they first come to me can not wrap their heads around why life is not working in their favour. Many have not realised that by making changes within their external environment while still thinking in their old way will not be beneficial and they will not get the results that they are wanting. 

If you want something to truly improve within your physical reality, you have to start by making changes within yourself on the inside. Imagine that life is a mirror, reflecting all your beliefs, values, perceptions, thoughts and actions. What we put out into the world is what is going to be reciprocated to us. If we want our circumstances and experiences in the outside world to evolve, we need to shift our mindsets around our own insecurities and our own inner world.

Very often our own worst critic is the voice within our heads. We belittle and degrade ourselves, judge our actions and play on our fears. This voice in our minds forms negative opinions about every circumstance, commenting on every person and situation we encounter. 

This soundtrack is a large part of who you are, and if you are constantly speaking badly  about yourself and others, even quietly to yourself, you will slowly start to believe it and live it.

A good rule of thumb is, if you wouldn’t say it aloud to another person, you shouldn’t let it run through your mind. 

Therefore, one of the first steps to achieving a happy abundant and wealthy life, is to change your internal dialogue. Talk to yourself in a loving tone, encourage and be kind to yourself and soon you will see how your positivity reflects into the world around you. 

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddah 

In love, light and happiness

Debbie Taylor