7 Healing Steps to Achieving Total Self-love
As it’s Valentines month, my focus is on shedding light on how to obtain total self-love. This is so important as the manner in which you love yourself, teaches others how to love you. The misperception about love and relationships is that it is the others duty to make you feel a certain way: It’s […]
Improving the Health of Your Relationships
In life we don’t only have a relationship with the one we have relations with… Your entire life is filled with different relationships that fulfill us in various ways – like your relationships with your parents, your siblings and extended family, or your relationships with your friends, neighbours, colleagues, and the members of your community […]
Why Do We Need Healthy Relationships?
Humans are naturally social creatures, as such we inherently crave being close to other people. We thrive when we are in a community with validating, healthy relationships where we can connect with others on a deeper level. These relationships are vital to our mental and emotional health and can take many different forms. There are […]